
I Am Not My Hair

I am not my hair.
It does not define me,
nor should it confine me
to that “good hair” category…
Assumpta Ozua 2009

I washed my hair today. Why am I sharing that with you I hear you ask? Because it was quite a traumatic experience. You see, I have somewhat neglected it over the past few weeks and thus it was a matted mess that I had not the time, nor the patience to deal with.

My hair situation this morning made me think about / relate it to my life in general. Complacency is a terrible thing. Thanks to the wonderful mixture of my parents genes, I have always had a full head of thick hair that grows pretty well (save for the first 12 months of my life. It was hella patchy and there are pictures to prove it!)

But back to the matter…because my hair has always been that way with little or no effort, I often leave it to do its thing. What I should be doing is nurturing it so it can reach its full potential and I can stunt like the natural gurus on social media! I kid I kid…(or do I?)

The same goes for most of my talents. They’ve always come naturally to me and I haven’t really had to work hard but that isn’t to say I shouldn’t be working hard. This post is a reminder to myself and anyone else who has gotten complacent to get to work.

[somehow the rest of this post got deleted so I’m going to have to re-write the end *sad face*]

When you are given a gift, it is up to you to nurture it in order for it to flourish. In life, if you’re standing still, you may as well be going backwards as the world will overtake you. The current climate in which we live has shown time and time again that everything is advancing at a rapid rate.

My mother likes to remind me that “nothing wilts faster than a laurel rested on” so time to get moving. Personally, I will be focusing my efforts on hair and my writing *among other things). How about you?

4 thoughts on “I Am Not My Hair”

  1. That’s very true just because something comes naturally to you it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard to nature it because many would wish to wash places with u – I for one! My hair although thick it’s not full *sigh* . Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting. My hair and my writing are things I am actively working on now. You’re actually one of the people who inspired me to get my act together! Thank you for always sharing so honestly and for living your truth.


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