Life Lessons, Poetry

Chasing Perfect

Openings Each time we collide, when my purpose meets your drive, your face cracks like a windshield on impact to reveal that imperfect smile. There is so much beauty to be found in the brokenness of your expressions; gaps kept big enough for a small dreamer to always fall into. ©Assumpta Ozua 2015  When I… Continue reading Chasing Perfect

Events, Poetry

#Afterhours with Inua Ellams

Last night I went to #Afterhours An Evening with Inua Ellams. It was dope. Now I don’t use the aforementioned colloquialism lightly, it genuinely was a wonderful and motivating closing event for the project he has been working on for the past year. #Afterhours was a free affair held at The Poetry Library in The… Continue reading #Afterhours with Inua Ellams